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Living Mindfully: Accepting Change

11th of May 14:00 - 15:30

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • 20 British pounds
  • Quaker Meeting House

Service Description

Living Mindfully: Accepting Change Most people would say they don't like change, but why is that? It comes down to our natural tendency to grasp at things. When an experience is pleasant or pleasurable, we inevitably want it to last longer and are therefore disappointed when it ends. When we experience something unpleasant, or painful, we tend to try and avoid it to also avoid experiencing the pain we felt. One of the key principles of mindfulness is recognising the impermanence of all things, and that includes the thoughts and feelings we experience too. By simply observing our immediate reactions, creating some distance and learning not to label thoughts as 'good' or 'bad', we're laying down the foundations for enduring all experiences, pleasant and unpleasant, with resilience and the knowledge that 'this too shall pass'. This workshop will focus on 'choiceless awareness' which is the practice of observing our own mind chatter. We'll be going deep within ourselves to identify our patterns of thought and our attachment to them. We can then explore the possibilities presented to us when we can take 'negative' experiences and turn them into lessons, or wisdom that will help us in the future. Join our lovely group in community as we do this work together, supported and held by one another.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

For cancellations, or adjustments to appointments, please get in touch 48 hours or more in advance. Any changes or cancellations made after this point will result in the loss of entitlement to a refund. Please note that for workshops and retreats we operate a no refunds policy.

Contact Details

  • Darlington Friends' Meeting House (Teesdale and Cleveland Area Quaker Meeting), Skinnergate, Darlington, UK

    + 07999 107788

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